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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology




flat screen computer monitor on brown computer desk

Strongest Gaming Laptops Ranked

By: Kyler Nguyen, Journalist
Figure out one of the best gaming laptops ranked. According to the internet.
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red and purple light digital wallpaper

The Genius of Sound Design in Video Games

By: Ethan Chai, Journalist
Persona as a series has so many good OST's, it's hard to pick one. Persona 5 is a special game to me. It is even more immersive than Persona 3, which I covered in another article. What makes it so immersive, has to be the soundtrack. You have bangers like Beneath the Mask, Last Surprise, and The whims of fate. But one of them really makes me so emotional. That song is Alleycat.
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A red camera sitting on top of a tripod

Why the virtual Boy is Nintendo’s Biggest Sales Flop: A Deep Dive into the Worst-Selling Console in History

By: Edwin Gomez, Journalist
In 1995, Nintendo took a bold step into the future with the Virtual Boy, a console promising to bring virtual reality to the world of gaming. But instead of revolutionizing the industry, it became one of the biggest commercial failures in gaming history. With its uncomfortable design, limited game library, and awkward 3D experience that left players with headaches and nausea, the Virtual Boy quickly became a cautionary tale. Discover why this ambitious project crashed and burned just one year after launch, and how it remains Nintendo's most infamous flop.
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You Can Learn Through Video Games

You Can Learn Through Video Games

By: Ethan Page, “Journalist”
Video games can help with learning languages. Video games help students focus on the lessons in a language class.
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The Evoloution Of Call Of Duty

By: Andy, Journalist
Call of duty was began by a company called Activation Blizzard. Call Of Duty was invented after the world war II it got inspiration from the war and made its first game called Call of duty
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The Rise of AI Generated Frames

The Rise of AI Generated Frames

By: Thomas Kiffney, Journalist
AI generated frames have made playing the newest titles impossible without the newest graphics cards. NIVIDIA promises up to 3 times the frames with this innovation.
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lego mini figure on white box

Evolution of the Gaming Console

By: Gesean Amor, Journalist
The evolution of the gaming console is a journey through time. Read and see how gaming consoles went from the Magnavox Odyssey to the PS5.
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Why Is Fortnite So Popular?

Why Is Fortnite So Popular?

By: Juan Ramos, Journalist
Fortnite is a very popular video game with tens of millions of players worldwide, recognized for its battle royale mode, vivid graphics, and fast-paced gameplay
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Astro Bot Wins Game of the Year

Astro Bot Wins Game of the Year

By: Kasra Tafreshi, Journalist
Astro Bot Wins Game of the year: here's why
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How Free Video Games Make Money

How Free Video Games Make Money

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
Many of the game we play are free, but how do they make money? In this article we will be looking into the many ways free-to-play video games profit.
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The Revolution of Computers

The Revolution of Computers

By: Wilmer Lemus, Journalist
Computers have been around for a long time, likely longer than you've been alive. The first computer was invented in 1822 by Charles Babbage, but it wasn't built until the early 19th century.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology