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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



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Hits of NWA

Hits of NWA

By: Jorge Martinez Leiva, Journalist
NWA was the biggest influential hip hop group to the late 80s to the early 90s
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The Wu-Tang Clan: Hip-Hop's Revolutionary Collective

The Wu-Tang Clan: Hip-Hop’s Revolutionary Collective

By: Jorge Martinez Leiva, Journalist
Formed in Staten Island New York 1991
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flat screen computer monitor on brown computer desk

Strongest Gaming Laptops Ranked

By: Kyler Nguyen, Journalist
Figure out one of the best gaming laptops ranked. According to the internet.
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red and purple light digital wallpaper

The Genius of Sound Design in Video Games

By: Ethan Chai, Journalist
Persona as a series has so many good OST's, it's hard to pick one. Persona 5 is a special game to me. It is even more immersive than Persona 3, which I covered in another article. What makes it so immersive, has to be the soundtrack. You have bangers like Beneath the Mask, Last Surprise, and The whims of fate. But one of them really makes me so emotional. That song is Alleycat.
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A child watches a cartoon on a tablet as an adult holds a brain model.

Why We Can’t Remember Our Childhood

By: Sofie Schopfer, Journalist
While we have long believed that the brain does not retain memories from an early age, new studies show that this may not be the case. Our early memories may not be gone, only locked away.
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The Apple Watch and Fitbit Versa

What To Expect About The Apple Watch Ultra 3

By: Brandon Martinez, Journalist
The Apple Watch Ultra 3 is rumored to be released in September 2025. The first two generations are already set at a price of 799$ so it's more likely Apple won't make this upcoming Apple watch more expensive.
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two person's connecting fingers

Alien Hand Syndrome

By: Spriha Mohanty, Journalist
Imagine waking up to find your own hand moving against your will such as grasping objects, untying your shoelaces, or even resisting your own commands. Alien hand syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that causes a limb to act independently, as if it has a mind of its own.
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human eye


By: Spriha Mohanty, Journalist
A normal person would see a car moving normally. However, someone with Akinetopsia would see it hovering or disappearing and then reappearing again. Learn more about how people with this type of blindness see the world differently.
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Islet Cell Transplantation

Islet Cell Transplantation

By: Jorge Martinez Leiva, Journalist
This can make managing type 1 diabetes easy for diabetic people.
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Acer Chromebook 11

Why The Chromebook Is Hated

By: Elmer Hernandez Cruz, Journalist

Why are Chromebooks a problem Chromebooks have gained popularity due to their affordability and simplicity, but they aren’t the right choice for everyone. Here’s why: Chromebooks rely heavily on...

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Skullcandy Crusher ANC: Maybe the next big thing for headphones.

Skullcandy Crusher ANC: Maybe the next big thing for headphones.

By: Isaiah Stanley, Journalist
The Skullcandy Crusher ANC 2 offers strong bass and ANC for $230, with 50-hour battery life and voice control, prioritizing bass over clarity.
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Solar Charger

Solar Charger

By: Benjamin Gomez, Journalist
A solar charger could save your life one day.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Personal Tech