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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Quantum & Super Computers

Quantum Computers Soon to Have The Ability to Breach Financial Security

Quantum Computers Soon to Have The Ability to Breach Financial Security

By: Ameen Nassar, Journalist
D-Wade said to have achieved Quantum Supremacy! According to D-Wave, they have officially reached "Quantum Supremacy". 
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The Brand New Exascale Computers

By: Noor Ouertatni, Journalist
Exascale computers are a major breakthrough in computing, offering incredible power for scientific research, simulations, and technological advancements. They can help solve complex problems in fields like climate science, medicine, and artificial intelligence.
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Genius Quantum Computer Solves Problem Faster Than Supercomputer

Genius Quantum Computer Solves Problem Faster Than Supercomputer

By: Jordan Jeon, Journalist
World-first: US quantum computer solves problem million years faster than supercomputer.
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'Nanodot' Control Could Fine-Tune Light For Sharper Displays, Quantum Computing

‘Nanodot’ Control Could Fine-Tune Light For Sharper Displays, Quantum Computing

By: Aaron Amaya, Journalist
Discover the future of technology with nanodots! As research advances, these tiny marvels promise to transform everyday life by revolutionizing both immersive displays and cutting-edge quantum computing. Get ready for a world where sharper visuals and unparalleled computing power are just the beginning. The potential of nanodot technology is limitless—unlocking innovations that will redefine our digital experiences!
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Scientists Turn Light Into A Solid That Runs Like Liquid: A Massive Discovery

Scientists Turn Light Into A Solid That Runs Like Liquid: A Massive Discovery

By: Abraham Fisseha, Journalist
In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have figured out how to turn light into a material that behaves like both a solid and a liquid. This breakthrough could completely change the way we use energy, build computers, and communicate in the future.
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On a Quantum Level, Time Flows Both Ways

On a Quantum Level, Time Flows Both Ways

By: Sunny Daddio, Journalist
While we perceive time as linear and moving straight forward, new studies show this may not be true in the quantum realm. What the research found was a major discovery and will change the way we view time.
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Microsoft's Quantum Computer

Microsoft Has Major Breakthrough in Quantum Computing

By: Noor Ouertatani, Journalist
This breakthrough could help America stay ahead in computing, lead to medical discoveries, protect national security, and improve climate science and AI. The Majorana 1 chip could change the future by making computers way more powerful and helping solve some of the world's biggest problems.
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Google Willow Quantum Chip

Google Willow Quantum Chip

By: Joseph Park, Journalist
The 105- qubit computer completed an RCS(Random Circut Sampling) calculation in 5 minutes. A program that would take the worlds fastest super computer 10 septillion years (1025 ). 
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a black and white photo of a bunch of diamonds

How Microwaves Unlock Power Of Uncontrollable Diamond Qubits In Quantum Leap

By: Grayson Matlis, Journalist
Have you ever heard about how microwaves can help unlock the power of diamond qubits? It’s pretty cool! So, there are these tiny things called qubits that are like super small parts of atoms. Scientists are figuring out how to control them to make really powerful computers. But the problem is, qubits can be kind of wild and hard to control.
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brown and black abstract painting

How Quantum Computing Works

By: Christian Jeon, Journalist
Quantum computing is a new and complex branch of computing that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations.
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timelapse photography of warped lines

The Theory of Relativity and Space Travel

By: Christian Jeon, Journalist
Space travel is growing more and more important. If we really want to explore the cosmos, we have to study the Theory of Relativity.
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originally posted to Flickr as Blue Gene / P From Argonne National Laboratory

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Microsoft Spent Millions To Put Together A Supercomputer For OpenAI

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
Microsoft received a unique request from a little-known startup nearly five years ago to assemble computing power on a scale it had never done before.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Quantum & Super Computers