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Indian Brothers Build Car-Copter

Indian Brothers Turn Their Car into a Non-Functional Helicopter, But it Gets Seized by Police

Ishwardin Prajapati and Parmeshwardin Prajapati, two Indian brothers from Uttar Pradesh, India, transformed their Suzuki Wagon R into a helicopter-like vehicle. They purchased the car for 100,000 rupees (about $1,300) and made extensive modifications over several weeks in their makeshift workshop. They put rotor blades on the roof and fabricated a tail and other parts of bodywork from sheet metal.

Although not making the helicopter car operational, the brothers intended to rent out the vehicle for weddings. However, their plans were interrupted when police temporarily confiscated the “car copter” and fined them 2,000 rupees (around $26) for illegally modifying their car. Despite this setback, they have received several questions from people wanting to rent the helicopter car for their weddings.The inspiration to convert the car into a helicopter came from watching videos on YouTube.

The brothers typically make idols of Hindu gods and goddesses, but they saw the car as another way to make money. They estimated that they could earn 5,000 rupees (about $65) a day by renting out the car.
Since the news about their car surfaced, images of the creation have gone viral on social media, and dozens of neighbors and relatives have visited the brother’s workshop because of the helicopter car.




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