
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



What Makes Music Appealing

The science behind why humans are attracted to music

Music is one of the most powerful forms of art. It has changed and grown over time with humans, and inspired many people. But have you ever wondered why you like music? In this article, I will explain the psychology behind why humans like music.

Why humans like music is a question that has confused scientists for decades. From an evolutionary standpoint, music doesn’t make sense because music is not necessary for survival. One theory is that humans love of music was an accident, humans evolved emotions to help deal with different situations, and somehow, the beats and tones of music activate the same brain areas.

Studies have shown that when listening to music, the brain releases dopamine which is the chemical that makes us happy. dopamine is released strongest at the climax of the music, when some people may feel “chills”. also, as your brain becomes familiar with a particular song, dopamine is released at the first few notes of the song.

also, music can affect our moods even without the brain being able to recognise the rhythm and notes.there have been many documented instances of people with brain damage losing their ability to distinguish melodies but still being able to identify the emotion of the music.

finally, music has been shown to have pain-relieving qualities, by its ability to distract, and music increases the bodies overall feeling of well being. scientist believe that this is due to music being sound waves, which are ultimately vibrations.

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