Lyme disease is know to be cause by borrelia bacteria. Borrelia is transmitted to humans through the bite of a blacklegged tick. However, there are several types of ticks who aren’t able to transport borrelia, such as the American dog tick, and lone star tick. During the warmer seasons blacklegged ticks are most prevalent, especially in wooded, bushy, and grassy regions.
Lyme disease was first discovered in 1975, when a large group of kids were diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis around the Lyme, Connecticut area. Researchers came to the conclusion that the blacklegged ticks were responsible for causing arthritis.
Stage of Lyme Disease
Lyme disease get increasingly worse depending on how long it is left untreated and some symptoms can overlap.
- Early localized Lyme disease. Early signs of Lyme disease usually occur within the first couple of days or weeks. The most common indicator is a rash, referred to as, “erythema migrans.” Over a couple days the rash increasingly gets larger, often clearing in the middle and creating a ring around the tick infected bite. Similar to a bull’s eye.
- Early disseminated stage. Ranging from a couple of weeks or months, you begin to enter the disseminated stage. Symptoms include, multiple rashes, weakened facial muscles, and pain or numbness in feet or hands.
- Late disseminated Lyme disease. Several months to a year, you begin experiencing pain and swelling in joint, pain and numbness in peripheral nerves, and a mix of symptoms from earlier stages.
Specific antibodies are prescribed to treat early stages of Lyme disease, based on how severe your symptoms are there will be specific antibody prescribed to you. Most cases of Lyme disease is alleviated after a two to four week course. Depending on your prescription, it can either take longer or earlier. However, some will still experience, “Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome.” For an estimate of 6 months after finishing treatment, patients will suffer from symptoms such as pain, and fatigue.
While out in nature, going on hikes through wooded areas it is advised to cover up or spray exposed skin and clothes with repellant. Staying cautious during warmer seasons, and taking a shower almost immediately after returning from outside to remove any unseen ticks, especially in the scalp.
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