The Impact Of Video Games On Mental Health

What effects it has.


By: Sulaiman Wardak, Journalist

Video games have become a popular form of entertainment for people of all ages. While some people view video games as a harmless pastime, others are concerned about the impact that they may have on mental health. There is a growing body of research that suggests that video games can have both positive and negative effects on mental health.
On the positive side, video games can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Many games require players to solve puzzles, complete challenges, and overcome obstacles. These activities can help to build problem-solving skills, improve cognitive function, and boost self-esteem. Additionally, video games can provide a sense of social connection. Many games are designed to be played with others, either online or in person. This can help to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.
However, there are also potential negative effects of video games on mental health. One concern is that excessive gaming can lead to addiction. People who spend too much time playing video games may neglect other important areas of their life, such as work, school, or relationships. This can lead to feelings of guilt, anxiety, and depression.
Another concern is that violent video games may contribute to aggressive behavior. Some studies have found a correlation between playing violent video games and increased aggression, although the exact nature of this relationship is still.
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