The Future of Gaming



By: Sulaiman Wardak, Journalist

Virtual Reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are the two most popular technologies that have been gaining popularity in recent years. Both of these technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. However, there are some key differences between VR and AR that make them unique.

VR is a technology that creates a completely immersive experience for the user. It uses a headset to create a virtual environment that the user can interact with. This technology is often used in gaming and entertainment, applications in education, healthcare, and other industries.

AR, on the other hand, is a technology that overlays digital information into the real world. It uses a device such as a smartphone or a tablet to display digital information on top of the user’s surroundings. This technology is often used in advertising, education, and retail.

One of the main differences between VR and AR is the level of immersion. VR provides a completely immersive experience, while AR only overlays digital information into the real world. This means that VR is better suited for gaming and entertainment, while AR is better suited for education and retail.

Another difference between VR and AR is the level of hardware required. VR requires a headset, which can be expensive and bulky. AR, on the other hand, is pretty expensive but it isn’t as expensive as VR, you only need a tablet or a phone which you probably already have.