Edible 3-D printing

This article will tell you about the business of Edible 3-D printing.


By: Declan Edwards, journalist

The 3-D printing community has gotten so advanced that they have made food that does not only look real it is edible. The process of 3-D printing food is an automated advanced process which means that the person that owns the printer or that is trying to use the printer has to do no work other than saying print this food and then they will have food in a bit of time but the amount of time that it takes depends on the food that you are trying to print. The easiest food to 3-D print is chocolate because it melts at very low temperatures and solidifies at room temperature. The most used tool in 3-D printing food is a syringe because it makes making small but precise moves when laying down layers of food. The Department of Defense is starting to experiment with 3-D printing food for the military which could help them because you could give them a little bit of caffeine in a very small food and then they could get proteins and caffeine in one slice of pepperoni and be awake and ready to go into battle and be very aware and help with muscle recovery. All of this could drastically improve our world and could benefit us forever.









