Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology

Why Instagram i

While many people believe Instagram is good, it's actually very harmful

April 13, 2023

Instagram is widely used. However, a comparable number of people are also unaware of its negative effects. Instagram’s addiction potential is one of its problems. According to psychologist Adam Alter, Ph.D., a professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business, the platform rarely offers “stopping cues”—or subtle nudges that persuade users to go on to another activity—unlike a magazine, television show, or video game. Instead, it continuously delivers content, forcing users to restart their ascent from the top of their feeds.

Upward social comparison in particular is extremely common on Instagram, said Fardouly. Users evaluate their own life alongside curated—and often edited—images of others. Because users tend to follow both people they know personally and people they’ve never met, the app also blurs the boundaries between peers and celebrities, Choukas-Bradley said. That can lead to false social comparison when users contrast their appearance with idealized images.

In general, self-esteem and confidence are big things to focus on. Social media destroys them. Now, people care about likes, comments, and shares. If people don’t get enough likes on a post it could lead to so many problems. They could ask themselves, “Why did she get that many? Am I not pretty enough?” Instagram has affected our mental health in many ways, leading to social anxiety, depression, self-harm, and self-critical. Honestly, if it affects your health, just delete the app, go on a walk, go outside, and be with friends. People compare you to everything, people depend on popularity like likes. But to help others as well, don’t post bad comments, posts, etc. Be positive!

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