The Mystery of Stonehenge

What were they used for?

By: Thomas Ahern, Journalist

Stonehenge is an enormous group of trilithons made entirely out of stone, and is located in Salisbury, UK. Stonehenge is considered a wonder because of how old it is, as it was erected before the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and even the creation of the wheel! Until a short time ago, nobody knew the reason for this structure. However, we can now safely say that the construction took around 1.5 thousand years, and was built around 9 thousand years ago. One of the major reasons as to why this is impressive is that it was before the creation of the wheel, meaning these people dragged these massive stones into position without the aid of wagons.  Another disadvantage the builders had was their tools. They only had stone, wooden, and bone tools. Somehow, they still managed to make the trilithons so well that they stayed together for 9000 years without any form of adhesive. A question still remains. They wouldn’t have taken centuries to put together these stones for nothing. One theory is that Stonehenge was a giant solar calendar. There are a perfect amount of stones for this theory to be true. Another theory is that Stonehenge was a burial ground because of the amount of human bones that have been unearthed in the general area. In conclusion, Stonehenge deserves it’s spot as a Wonder of the Ancient World.

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Go see Stonehenge for yourself: