Why You Should Try Out Fencing

Ever Wondered About The Olympic Sport Of Fencing? Here Are Some Reasons Why You Should Try Fencing.



By: Eythan Huang, Journalist

Fencing is quite distinct from other sports. For instance, activities such as swimming are won by the person who reaches the finish line first. Fencing, in contrast, has many ways to win. The strongest or most skillful fencer won’t win all the time. If the opponent can find a weaknesses, they might have a chance of winning. Simply put, anything can happen! That’s a reason why I love fencing!

One reason why fencing is unique is the amount of exercise going on in the mind. It teaches important traits. For example, if a fencer loses lots of points at the start, they might lose control. Once this happens, they might make poor decisions and widen the point gap. If they had stayed patient, they could’ve gained points. Strong athletes learn to never give up even if they are losing. This way, fencers can keep their momentum and stop the opponent from scoring. A person with strong character traits would keep on using the same points that work.

Fencing is also a great way to work out. It moves every part of the body, from the arm to the legs. It exercises the legs since fencers shift around. The arms are exerted because fencers must move them around while holding a heavy sword. Moreover, agility is trained when fencers maintain balance while on guard. Sword playing will give attempts at a fun and engaging sport.

two people fencing

Fencing is a unique sport that is extremely distinct from other widespread sports. It’s the only sport that utilizes a sword. People can even stab each other and that would be permitted. However, fencing is not just about stabbing blindly; participants have to have the right of way, which dictates who receives the point. Fencers can know who has the right of way by the referee who watches the bout and awards the points. The distinctive differences in fencing make it a wonderful sport to enjoy.

Although fencing is not as famous as other sports, it is one of the most unique. Fencing is exhilarating for people looking for a fun pastime. The sport is beneficial in improving people’s mental strength, provides ample workouts, and is a unique sport to play. I fully recommend trying this sport, even if it’s just one time.

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