How We Can Help Refugees
Ways you can be involved in helping refugees
I was inspired to write this article because of the book Refugee and all the trouble everyone had just trying to flee their country. It shouldn’t be this hard to get away if you are trying to escape your death in search of a better life. You shouldn’t need to sail 92 miles on a rickety boat you built in your backyard or go 2000 miles just to find a place that will accept you. This is why I’m writing this article, to inform you on the troubles of refugees and how you can help them.
Ways you can help refugees include:
Donating: Donating to refugee foundations, settlements and centers can help the government add more refugee camps and give refugees more basic needs. A donation doesn’t have to be money, they accept all sorts of goods like blankets, towels, pillows, food, water and many others.
Volunteer: Volunteering is a great way to help refugees. You can help sort and load donated goods to be transported, which is a very big help to donation centers that help refugees get the goods they need.
Be Nice: Another big thing you can do is if there is a refugee or immigrant that is new to your school or neighborhood, try to be there friend. Many immigrants and refugees struggle with discrimination and feeling like they don’t fit in. Its hard enough for them already, the least you could do is just be nice.
There are many other things you can do to help refugees feel welcomed. There are over 32.5 million refugees seeking asylum around the world and day after day. Luckily we have organizations helping to fight for refugees, but with laws set in place that prevent refugees from entering certain countries or some countries have a cap on how many refugees they let in each year and trust me, it’s not enough. It would be better if more countries opened their doors to refugees. With the Russia Ukraine war happening right now and the earthquakes in Turkey, there are more refugees than ever. Just doing the math, if each country in the world let about 170,000 refugees in, then there wouldn’t be a problem anymore, everyone would have a home and we could be at peace on this subject. However, not all people and countries are about that idea, and that’s why doing what we can here to get involved with refugees can help to bring a brighter future.
Engineers play a big role in helping refugees by designing and implementing infrastructure that will benefit refugees. they can design many important things like water sources, homeless shelters, and a comfortable living environment. Engineers can implant wifi to refugee camps witch can help refugees connect with their family’s . Engineers clearly do alot to help people in need witch is why you need to donate so they can keep doing what they do best.
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