Creating Electricity With Fruit And Vegetables

How To Set Up This Experiment.

By: Nathan Brown, Journalist

Today, people consume so much electricity because they have all kinds of different devices that need to be charged. Imagine that one day your power goes out in your house, and you have no way to charge any of your cellphones and you really need to call someone to come fix your power outrage. Then, you remember reading an article about creating electric power with fruits and vegetables. Some of these are potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, oranges, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits.

We will first take a look at how a potato can be an electrical power source. The potato creates electricity because of the mix of Starch and salts that are found within a potato. when two different metals are put into the potato the salts in the potato creates a bridge between them and the electricity is created when the ions released from the salt travel from one metal to another.  Let’s also take a look at how a lemon can be a source of electricity, zinc and copper will be put into the lemon and once these metals get in contact with the acidic juice which works as an electrolyte, the copper and the zinc will work as electrodes. As copper gains electrons, zinc will lose electrons. these electrons will travel through the connecting wire between the copper and zinc and will create the electricity.

Therefore, if you ever have a power outage at home just look for some wire, some zinc, some copper and a potato or a citrus fruit and you will be able to create some electricity.



How to Turn a Potato Into a Battery | Science Project (

How do potatoes generate Electricity? | Environment Buddy

Fruits And Vegetables Can Produce Electricity (

UCSB Science Line


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