Cross River Gorillas

Everything you need to know about Cross River Gorillas and the technology that can help them


Photo by Ruggiero Richard, USFWS on Pixnio

By: Kaleb Fuard, Journalist

What Are They?

The Cross River Gorilla is a rare species of gorilla. They are a subspecies of Western Lowland Gorillas which makes them look similar to western lowland gorillas, but slight differences can be found in the skull. Small differences can be found between the tooth dimensions of Cross River Gorillas.

Where Are They?

They live in the mountains on the border between Cameroon and Nigeria. They live at the top of the Cross River, which is why they’re called Cross River Gorillas. Their population is spread over 3,000 square miles. Here, they eat fruit, shoots, and leaves. They are completely herbivorous.

Why Are They Endangered?

There are estimated to be less than 300 Cross River Gorillas left in the world. Their population spreads across 3,000 cubic feet, which is the same size as two Rhode Islands. Cross River Gorillas were heavily hunted in the past and they are still hunted now. They are also victims of deforestation, which is humans cutting down trees for wood and land. They live in the forests, so they have no habitat. The disease is also a danger for the species. The fewer there are, the harder it is to repopulate their species.

How Can Technology Help Them?

With funding from the Great Ape Conservation Fund of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and technical assistance from the North Carolina Zoo, CyberTracker-based law enforcement has been introduced. Data found with this system can easily be downloaded to a computer and can be quickly analyzed. Collecting data on where the animals often are can help with the implementation of patrol planning which will majorly reduce the number of animals killed. Tracking the animal’s location can help with checking on it, which can help the species and make sure they are healthy.

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