The Greatest Inventions By Nikola Tesla

How Nikola Tesla’s inventions changed the world


By: Arnav Choudhary, Journalist

Ever since Elon Musk named his most successful company after him, news regarding Nikola Tesla has exploded, giving him the credit that he deserves. However despite this people still fail to understand just how life altering these inventions were. If it weren’t for him, electricity would haven’t become what we know it be to today.

Out of all of his patents across 26 countries, the most of which were registered in the united states with there being an outstanding 112 US patents to his name one of the most well known has to be the Tesla coil. You may have scene this invention in a cartoon of show because it is quite picturistic. The invention consists of a primary coil surrounded by a second. Both of the coils have a capacitor allowing them to build up electric charge along with a spark gap, the strong power source of the system. Eventually the capacitor in the primary coil build up so much power that the power flows out of the capacitor to the primary coil creating a magnetic field. However this field quickly collapsing causing the current to zip between the first and second coil until the

second capacitor fills up causing a huge burst of electricity outward. This voltage can power light bulbs several feet away without wiring.

Another invention that Tesla created was the magnifying transmitter. It was essentially a modified version of the Tesla coil and wielded much more powerful results because instead of discharging into the earth like the original, the magnifying transmitter, created standing waves of energy. This method was powerful enough to light a field of light bulbs up to a whole kilometer away or 0.62 miles.  Tesla believed that with technology like this he could create a wireless electricity system making electrical wiring obsolete.

Cars at the time tended to have terrible fuel efficiency inspiring the invention of the Tesla turbine. It was a turbine style engine that used combustion to rotate the wheels and thus move the car. The fuel efficiency was as high as 90% similar to modern engines and keep in mind that this engine was made over 200 years ago making it quite outstanding.

Tesla is known to have filed the patent for the Induction motor, one of the first inventions regarding alternating current. It is still commonly used in vacuums, powertools, and blow dryers today.

Tesla had also discovered that radios were possible in 1895 and would have been credited for the invention. However his lab tragically burned down allowing Marconi to get there first. A very similar thing happened with x-rays. Had his lab not burned down Tesla would have been credited with many more inventions.

So essentially, Nikola Tesla is one of the best inventors of history, and we should be giving him more credit. However, sadly most people tend to stay concentrated on Thomas Edison, denying him the credit that he deserves.


