Pros and Cons of Coding (Computer Programming)

Learn about the Pros and Cons of computer programming


Picture from Unsplash

By: Amna Muddisser, Journalist

Computer science is not easy to learn or even do. But, for some people it feels like a fantasy that seems to be running through their fingers. It’s different for everyone, but could that be the same for you?

Computer science/programming is one of those areas where background knowledge is good to have, but it isn’t the #1 thing that you need to become successful with computer programming. Whether you like computer science or not, something important to keep in mind is that it takes a lot of patience.



Now, let’s talk about the Pros and Cons of computer programming.


A. Computer programmers make a higher amount of money, than the average person would from a 9-5.

B.  As you are programming and working, naturally, your problem solving skills get even better! Your constantly being put into that “problem solving environment” so, now your problem solving are stronger than ever.

C.    Computer programmers have many more opportunities to work remotely, which also means that you don’t need to spend as much time an office than many others have to. (It’s actually a pretty good bonus!)

D.  When your coding/programming, you have the key to unlock a new world of possibilities. Computer programming is those things where it could be the absolute most basic thing ever, and once you find out a way to enhance that…your possibilities are endless.



A.  Being a computer programmer comes with a lot of pressure. Coding comes with a lot of trial and error, which already is enough stress. You could also find yourself trying to find solutions to other people’s problems!

B.  Long, long, and well…long hours. Long hours are not fun. Everyone wants to get home and get off of their jobs  and finally have some time to themselves. But…that’s not always the case when your a computer programmer. Many times, you will have to work long hours because that’s just the reality of being a coder. Although computer programmers have flexible hours, that doesn’t necessarily mean that there will be “less work”. It really means that you can have more flexibility, but again the long hours must come into play.

C. Development of software is constantly changing. Each day brings something new, and the same goes for the software. This field is competitive one, and it’s difficult to stay in check (with all of the new updates that are constantly changing) which is happening majority of the time.

D.  Health issues come into play too! Sitting at a computer for so long, and (the long hours are included!) can lead to concerns for your overall well-being. Your eyes seem to suffer the most, because of the blue light that your eyes are emitting from the screen. Blue light is powerful enough to cause vision problems such as age-related macular degeneration.



In conclusion, Computer Programming is pretty cool! Many people don’t realize that, because they think that “Eh, it’s boring”. Pros and Cons really come into play when you are thinking about majoring in the field of computer science, or even wanting to learn how to program and do other things.



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Take Action:

  • Think about starting to learn how to code, and trying it out.
  • Experiment with what programmers do, and seek for new information.
  • Look at the history of the programming, to learn how it has changed up until today.