The Best Way To Shoot A Basketball And Why It Works

Why do NBA players shoot the way they shoot?


By: Salar Nasimov, Journalist

Basketball is a sport that requires a combination of skills, but shooting the ball is arguably the most important skill in the game. There are several parts to basic basketball shooting technique including stance, grip, release and follow through. Posture should be balanced and stable. The shooter should stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and weight evenly distributed between both legs. Grip is also important, and the shooter must hold the ball with the fingertips, palm facing the ball and thumbs behind it. The release is the most important part of the shot and should be fluid and smooth. The shooter must raise the ball to eye level, then reach out and release the ball with a wrist extension or “follow through”. Follow through is  important as it helps ensure that the ball is released with  the correct trajectory and spin. So why does this technique work? The answer is in the physics of shooting a basketball. When a player shoots a basketball, they are transferring energy from their body to the ball. That energy is maximized by bending the arm, as if it is a catapult, which maximises the range of motion. That energy is then converted into kinetic energy that propels the ball towards the basket. All the parts of shooting the ball play a role in maximizing energy transfer. All in all, the best way to shoot a basketball is to use a technique that maximizes energy transfer and makes sure that the ball is released with proper trajectory and spin.