Chinas Most Advanced Carrier
This Fujian ship is expected to be right on par with the U.S. carriers.
“U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVAN-65) Vietnam War Photo” by manhhai is licensed under CC BY 2.0
In June 2022, China supposedly launched its 3rd aircraft carrier. It is “the most advanced carrier” although that is not proven. It was domestically made, the ship is called “Fujian”, this makes China the 4th most powerful navy based off its number of carriers. The quantity does not mean quality of their naval force. The U.S. for example has the most powerful navy with the most carriers and some of the most advanced technology afloat. Do you think the Chinese “Fujian” is as advanced as the United States aircraft carriers.
The “Fujian” is a Type 003 carrier currently being developed in China for their People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). When it is officially in use it will be the 3rd aircraft carrier for PLAN and their most advanced. “Fujian” was launched June 17, 2022 and their first original design, with a Catapult Assisted Take-Off Barrier Arrested Recovery (CATOBAR) system and electromagnetic catapults. Type 003 uses a combination of electromagnetic and steam turbine catapults. Opposed to ski jumps used earlier by the Chinese carriers to launch aircrafts, this technology is more on par with NATO carriers. Ivant is said that the “Fujian” runs on “integrated electric propulsion.” The ship anticipated by size to have a displacement of 80,000 tons. Which is close to the Russian carrier with 85,000 and the U.S. supercarriers with 100,000 tons. The rough measurements of the carrier are a length of 984 ft (300 meters) and a flight deck of 250 feet (76 meters).
It is said when Type 003 it will be the most advanced carrier outside of the U.S.. Experts believe that they will also have advanced aircraft most likely Shenyang J-fighters. Sometimes called the “Flying Shark”. They are the all-weather, twin jet, carrier-based fourth-generation multirole fighter aircraft created by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC). For PLAN, this is a great advancement in the Chinese Navy.
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