
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



Glow stick bracelets

How These “Toys” Actually Work
Glow stick bracelets

Glow stick bracelets are probably one of the coolest things ever to be invented. They are perfect for parties and many more fun events. They can also be used in emergency case situations. For example; if your out camping, and all of a sudden your flashlight battery dies, now your stuck in the middle of nowhere in the dark, with no light. That’s where your glow stick comes to the rescue. Glow sticks are related to chemical engineering because there are different types of chemicals that are getting mixed together. When they are mixed together, it creates a whole new mixture which allows the glow sticks to actually glow.

First, glow sticks contain two different liquids which are; hydrogen peroxide and tert-butyl alcohol. When you’re breaking the glow stick, you’re breaking the glass vials, that makes these two liquids mix. When these two liquids mix, these liquids is what creates the glow when mixed together. All liquid glow products depend on a chemical process called, Chemiluminescence. Chemiluminescence is a chemical reaction that causes a release of energy in the form of light. All liquid products depend on chemiluminescence to produce their light. The production of this light happens when the electrons in the chemical become thrilled and rise to a higher energy level. As soon as the glass vial breaks, the two chemicals mix, and the chemical reaction begins immediately, resulting in a shining, bright, and beautiful glow.

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