How To Use Spotify

spotify musique mp3 by is marked with CC BY 2.0.

“spotify musique mp3” by is marked with CC BY 2.0.

By: Pedro Lopez, Journalist

Get the App

Spotify is available on desktop, mobile, tablet, TVs, cars, watches and more.

Create your account

Just choose SIGN UP from the login screen in the app. You can use your email address or phone number, or Facebook or apple accounts. There are more sign up details are optional, such as gender, date of birth, and what people should call you(which is your display name).

Start playing

You can explore and discover the different things on Spotify. The more you use Spotify, the more music Spotify can recommend to you and podcasts just for you.

Mobile devices

Use the Search Search icon  button to find what you want to play.

Tap the Shuffle Shuffle Play icon play. Song will be played in random order.

With Premium, you are able to play songs in any order you would like. Just tap the song you want to listen to.

Desktop and web player

Use the Search button to find what you want to play. Its the same thing as mobile devices.

Here are three ways people can listen

  • Click Play icon
  • Hover over a track you want to play and click Desktop play icon
  • Double-click what you want to play

You can also like Like icon your favorites to save them to Your Library.