I’m planning on making the APS, standing for Aqua Propeller Scouter. It will be a vehicle that will be able to travel in both land and on water. Since I love fishing, I’m also planning on installing a camera to see underwater, and will use an Arduino for the wheels and possibly more. More posts to come.
I will first make a frame for the vehicle using Styrofoam and hollow it out to fill it up with all the electronics. Next, I will use an Arduino to control wheels using a remote control. Finally, I will add the camera and add the ‘propellers’ on the wheels so that it can propel itself in water.
Here are some links for programming the motors and remote control: https://electrosome.com/dc-motors-arduino-ir-remote/ https://dronebotworkshop.com/using-ir-remote-controls-with-arduino/
- The vehicle can travel on both land and water
- It’s not huge and can be transported easily
- It doesn’t require anything insanely expensive
- You can use it in a variety of ways
- The arts and craft materials needed are easy to find
- It requires at least 1 Arduino
- Testing it on water is risky (Sinking, water seeping in)
- Programming the wheels are complex and will require a lot of research
- May not be sturdy
- You need a body of water to test the “aqua part”