Electric dams are super cool because they turn moving water into energy we can use. It all started back in 1882 with the first hydroelectric plant in Wisconsin. People realized they could use rivers to make electricity. In the 1900s, more significant dams were built, such as the Hoover Dam in 1936. It used the Colorado River to give people electricity and water for farming and even stopped floods. Other places like Canada and Norway also built big dams to get power. But building dams wasn’t perfect. It changed how rivers flowed and affected animals and people who lived nearby. Over time, people developed ideas like fish ladders to help fish get around the dams. Now, we use new technology to make dams work even better without hurting nature as much. Some small dams are even being used to help people in faraway places. Electric dams are really important for getting clean energy and helping the planet.
- https://www.hydro.org/about/history/#:~:text=Hydropower%20Milestones,percent%20of%20U.S.%20electrical%20generation.
- https://www.energy.gov/eere/water/history-hydropower
- https://www.hydropower.org/iha/discover-history-of-hydropower
- https://www.eia.gov/kids/history-of-energy/timelines/hydropower.php
- https://www.nps.gov/articles/5-the-origins-of-hydroelectric-power.htm