The Nintendo Switch has been one of the most known consoles for about seven years. It has made Nintendo about 6o billion dollars in sales and is forever a piece of gaming history. But aside from all that, is it that good? It uses an NVIDIA Tegra processor, which is also used for many old phones. Most people expect a faster and more powerful processor from a gaming console. The Tegra processor is outdated, uses a lot of power, and is not as powerful as expected for a gaming console.
But without further ado, the biggest problem of the Nintendo Switch is its joy-cons. Not only are they small and uncomfortable, but their buttons are flimsy. But after a while, significant problems WILL happen to the joy-cons. For example, a well-known problem is joy-con drift. Joy-con drift is when your joy-con moves in a random direction, usually the direction you don’t want it to go. It is often caused by a combination of tears on the joystick’s internal mechanical components, dust and debris buildup, and potentially a design flaw that could happen to the switch. So, the simple solution is to clean your controller occasionally. Another problem is that the controllers may disconnect from the switch because the dust may cause issues with the Bluetooth in the controller, so the real problem is user hygiene.
The design of the Nintendo Switch is pretty old, and most players abuse their joy-con. Nintendo does give out free joy-con repair if you send them your broken joy-con, but prepare for it to take a week for you to touch your switch again. And if your switch lite (a switch that doesn’t have detachable joy-cons) starts drifting, you can buy a new one. People hope the Switch 2 will have better controllers than the original Switch, but based on the trailer and leaks, there is just a little hope.