Boxing is a sport where you fight against another person. You fight your opponent in a ring for 3 minutes and try to win by points or by knockout or TKO a knockout is when your opponent can’t get up or is asleep, and TKO is when you hit your opponent and he falls to the ground this considered as a TKO. You could also win by points for body shots, headshots, and liver, a headshot is worth 3 points and a body shot is worth 2 points so whoever has the most points by the end will be pronounced the winner of the fight.
Boxing gloves are gloves that are used to fight gloves are designed to provide maximum protection, comfort, and durability, boxing gloves have pads The central layer is a medium-density EVA foam inside to keep your opponent safe when hitting them. The 3 main things that boxing gloves are made of are leather which goes on the outside of the glove, vinyl which is a lower-cost alternative to leather, and synthetic leather which makes the leather last longer on the glove because normal leather will peel off quickly. The rules in boxing are simple, you can’t hit your opponent from the waist down, you can only hit your opponent with your fist, cannot use the ropes for leverage to gain additional power while punching.