The first ever PlayStation released was in Japan on December 3rd, 1994. It was named the Play Station 1, or in short words, the PS1, and was priced at 299$ USD and had a storage of 120 kilobytes. Later on, the Play Station 2 was released on March 4th, 2000, and it was also made in Japan and was priced at 299$ USD. The standard PS2 had a memory card of 8 MB and a storage of 40 GB.6 years later, the PlayStation 3 was made, and it still had the same controller design, but the form of the gaming console itself changed, and it came with a space of 60 GB and was priced at 499$ USD. An even better-upgraded PlayStation called the PlayStation 4 or, as most people know it, the PS4 was released with different types of colors, and some of the PlayStation 4 included a game. The PlayStation 4 came with a massive update; it had a storage of 500 GB and an option of upgrading to 1 TB, which the user could upgrade. The PlayStation had different versions of the console. The newest PlayStation was made 5 years ago, the PlayStation 5. It had a feature that the other PlayStations didn’t: a built-in mic and the Play Station 5 came with different console versions.