The idea that we might be living in a black hole is an interesting theory proposed back in the 1970s. The idea was created when scientists, Raj Kumar Pathria and I.J. Good, built upon the ideas of German physicist Karl Schwarzschild. Karl Schwarzschild mathematically described what we now call a black hole. Raj Kumar Pathria and I.J. Good built upon this idea by suggesting that a black hole’s event horizon may be the boundary of our universe. An event horizon is a theoretical boundary surrounding a black hole, everything in this area will be sucked in by a black hole. Ultimately, Raj Kumar Pathria and I.J. Good suggested that our universe was inside of a giant black hole and that this black hole was part of a bigger universe.
Now let’s talk about how the James Webb Telescope helps provide evidence to support this theory. It is important to note that our universe being inside of a black hole is only a hypothesis and is not an established scientific fact. The James Webb Telescope was designed to observe the universe using infrared wavelengths. This reveals things that cannot be seen by the human eye. Some of the things that the James Webb Telescope has found are interesting as they hint at unusual structures in the universe. Some very distant galaxies that the James Webb Telescope has found are very old and dense, and this leads some scientists to think that this could be caused by the galaxies forming near the black holes event horizon. Whatever the case is, the idea that we might be living inside of a black hole is certainly an interesting thought and may be proven true with further evidence.