During the 9th century in China there were Chinese monks that were trying to make a life extending elixir, but instead they made gunpowder a powder that can burn rapidly and explode when lit. After they discovered the powder they used it for many things like rockets which were used in warfare. In the 13th century they used the gunpowder to make a device that would make a powerful explosion when it was lit this device was the very first bomb that would be ever made.
The very first bombs were during a battle at Asia 1221 the Jurchen Jin army used the bombs to against a Chinese song city. After that during WW2 the US was known for its incredible power with the help of the bombs they have made. The bombs they used were not the same as Asia bombs, they have advanced the bombs to be even stronger then before. The bombs were more destructive and have a lager blast zone then before, so after they have advanced the bombs they used it for warfare in which it killed hundreds of soldiers in the war which caused them to win battles. After ww2 the US was working on a project to respond to Japan after the attack of pearl harbor . The bomb was made out of very nuclear material and was bigger in size, so when they loaded the aircrafts with the bombs and drop it on to Japan it cause a explosion that can take up a whole city. Many Japanese died upon impact and some people survived the impact but were badly injured or disfigured. The town was completely destroyed and people were screaming in agony from the pain and tired to cool off the burns on their bodies.
Present day
Today the world have advanced the bomb to greater levels like how they created missiles and how every country have at least one nuclear bomb some where in their land. And how the creation of bombs lead to the invention of tanks which have strong explosive bombs that shoot out of the nose at the front. And the rocket which a hand held weapon that can shoot a rocket just the Chinese did in the 13th century but its even more powerful then before. We can see a big growth in the creation of bombs and see how much of a impact has made. It sparked fear, destress, agony, sadness, hopelessness, depression, and anger and made people lose their lives to the bomb. A man made weapon that can kill and cause terror.
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