Founded in 1952, Imagineers are the people behind the scenes that make Disneyland feel like magic. They design all the rides and live entertainment.
For example, the imagineers built these robots that are called stuntronics. These stuntronics do flips and fling themselves without having to risk someone’s life. These robots go through a lot of trial and error. Sometimes, the robots have to be flung almost 1000 times!
As you can see in the video above, the robots are not always perfect and sometimes during live performances…they crash.
They also have star wars droids that are remote controlled and can self balance without falling.
These Imagineers want to do things that the world hasn’t seen before. As the one of the articles said, “we still have to obey the laws of physics”. The Imagineers still can do really great projects because they have people working on the projects from different countries.
But these Imagineers don’t always end up with really good projects in a few days. They work on these robots and attractions for months.
For example their design process: “BLUE SKY” They ask themselves “What could it be”, meaning what should they make and what stories should they bring to life. They want to bring inspiration to the future Imagineers.
After they know what they want to do, they ask themselves again: “CONCEPT” “What is it?” What is the concept of the attraction? What does it Sound, smell, feel, or look like? After that they experiment and sketch ideas to make it to the next step.
“FEASIBILITY” What does it take to make it real because as they say “we still have to obey the laws of physics” just because they have an idea of what they WANT to do doesn’t mean they can always make it
“DESIGN” “What are the details that bring it to life” The details that bring it to life are not always the biggest details it can be a small tree or some cool paint design on the wall.
“PRODUCTION” How do they build the project? After they have concept and designs they have to build it. They get the best materials in the WORLD so they can make the experience the best for people.
“INSTALLATION” How does the attraction fit in the park? It has to fit the Disney World feel.
“OPENING DAY” The most important test of the whole process, to see if they failed or succeeded. Like above, they wanted to see if the stuntronic robot was ready for regular showing, but then it fell and crashed.
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