200 Million years ago dinosaurs left their footprints on a little island that is now Queensland.Today this schoolyard boulder with ancient footprints is showing that a vibrating moment in Australia’s prehistoric past.Dr Anthony Romilio, A researcher in the University of Queensland Dinosaur lab confirmed that the one-squared-metre slab has one of the highest concentration of dinosaur footprints ever found in Australia.Over 66 fossilized footprints were left behind in the Early Jurassic period to tell a story about the operating dinosaur community that once lived there.
No dinosaur skeleton from the Early Jurassic Period have ever been found in Australia.But some scientist have identified some dinosaur footprints that they believe belong to a species called Anomoepus Scambus.This species is named after trace fossils,like fooprints,instead of bones.These footprints suggest that these dinosaurs had legs that were between 15 and 50 centimeters long.By studying how the footprints were made, Scientists figured out that these dinosaurs were walking slowly,Of speeds of less than 6 kilometers per hour.Looking at fossilized skeletons from other parts of the world, scientist think that dinosaurs with feet like these that were plant-eaters.They probably had long legs, big bodies, short arms, and a small head with a beak, just like other plant-eating dinosaurs.Even though we don’t have any skeletons in Australia, these footprints give us clues about what these ancient creatures were like.
The discovery of 47 dinosaur footprints in Australia, dating back 200 million years, is a huge and exciting find! Even though no skeletons from that time have been found in Australia, these footprints give us a lot of clues about the dinosaurs that lived there. The footprints help scientists understand how these dinosaurs moved, what they might have looked like, and even how fast they walked. It’s amazing how something as simple as footprints can teach us so much about ancient creatures from so long ago!
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