Jelly beans are a classic colorful snack that’s eaten worldwide and has been around for quite a while. At first, jelly beans were a fusion between Turkish delights and Jordan almonds. Jelly beans are a combination of the chewy center of Turkish delights and the crunchy sweet coating of a Jordan almond. The first discovered reference to Jelly beans was back in the 1800s when a Boston confectioner named William Schraft advertised sending jelly beans to soldiers fighting in the Civil War on the Union’s side. Soon after, they became popular cheap candy enjoyed by people of all ages. During the mid-60s, President Ronald Reagan gave significant popularity to jellybeans. This was because he adored jelly beans and they even helped him get off his tobacco addiction. Although jelly beans used to come in many shapes including vegetables and fruits. Since beans were such a large part of the daily diet in the U.S., jelly beans adopted a similar shape hence the name. A big jelly bean company known as “Jelly Belly’ even made a special blueberry flavor in honor of Reagan. Afterwards, jelly beans started being associated with Easter most likely due to their egg-like shape. Their vibrant color added a playful touch to Easter and became a staple to Easter baskets.
The evolution of jellybeans from a vague descendant of Turkish delights to the vibrant modern-day jelly bean was a long one, but it was a greatly influential snack used in games and a mascot for Easter. Its presence may not have been the most important, but it was still an influential one in history.
History of Jelly Beans: What Are They, and What Are They Made of?