During 1789 in the Joachimsthal sliver mines of the kingdom of Bohemia which in present day which located in the land of Czechia.When getting sample from the mine and took it to the lab where he analyzed the pitchblende sample and then isolated it. But he didn’t know that the pitchblende sample contained an oxide of Uranium, but he it had the nuclear properties that we all know. That will soon be discover its nuclear properties in 1939 by Fritz Strassmann and Otto Hahn discovered its nuclear properties and capabilities. This will soon be the start of the many experiments with uranium which would fellow up to the most deadly weapons ever made on earth.
How it was used
Uranium was used in many projects like the Manhattan project which was a sphere made of nuclear material and which would lead the death of two people and the creation of two first nuclear weapons used on humanity. two nuclear bombs were made using the uranium the two bombs were also given names little boy and fat man. after the creation of the two they dropped the bombs on Japan after the events of pearl harbor which was attack by Japan’s forces and destroyed. when they dropped the bombs on japan the people were hit with a massive wave of heat which would melt there skin off and dismember there limbs and cause them to be blind. when the blast from the bomb was over it left air to be warm as the sun and the air became very toxic making it not safe to breath. Some people survived to terror of man and tell their experience of the blast.
After the creation of nuclear bombs the world became worried and start making nuclear bombs for themselves to make them selves stronger. As a result, the discovery of uranium caused mass destruction and fear to humanity with the creation of the most powerful weapon the world has ever seen. and caused people to suffer for their whole lives and with their scars haunt them with the terrible events that caused them to look like.
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