Organic Electronics is a branch of electronics that uses organic materials to make electronic devices. According to polytechic.purdue.edu, it is a field of electronics concerning the synthesis, design, characterization, and application of organics small molecules, which are called polymers that show electronic properties such as conductivity. According to ttconsultants.com, organic electronics operate on the principle of using organic compounds to conduct electricity and intereact with light. Additionally, organic electronics are cheap, flexible, and more sustainable than Inorganic electronics.
The origins of organic electronics date back to the 1950s, when H. Inokuchi discovered the first conducting organic molecule with his colleagues. This discovery led to the theory organic molecules can be semiconductors. Organic semiconductors have a number of advantages than normal semiconductors. Organic semiconductors. W. Helfrich and W.G. Schneider found that organic molecules can emit light, this was discovered in a molecule named anthracene. There was a disadvantage which is anthracene require a high voltage which make this molecule inefficient. In 1980, three scientists named Heeger, MacDiarmid, and Shirakawa made the discovery of conductive polymers. Later in the 2000s, PTCDA, an organic dying material mainly used for cars, is discovered to have semiconducting properties. If you are interested in a more specific history of organic electronics, you can go to ttconsultans.com in related stories.
OLED (organic light emitting diode) is a light emitting technology made by placing a series of organic thin films between two conductors. Examples of Organic Electronics that include an OLED which generate their own light instead of using backlights are organic photovoltaic devices which are basically organic solar cells, flexible printed organic transistors which are the building blocks of making technologies, and biomedicines for blindness contain organic electronics by having electrodes coded with organic dye that transmit electric signals to the receptor cells in the eye. Applications for OLED Technologies include televisions, cell phones, computer screens, wrist watches, foldable smart phones, automobiles, OLED lenses, and data glasses.
OFET (organic field effect translator) is an organic semiconductor in its channel that can be prepared by vacuum evaporation of small molecules by solutions casting of polymers or small molecules or by a mechanical transfer of a peeled single crystaline organic layer into a subtract. Some applications of OFETs include OFET sensors, Bio sensors, Gas sensors, Chemical sensors, electronic skin, elcctronic paper, e-books, displays embedded in smart cards, status displays, Organic Radio Frequency Identification (ORFID), wireless technologies that use radio waves to scan or identify the product, and switching speed up to 13.56 MHz.
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Organic Electronics: Foundations to Applications | Oxford Academic
Organic Electronics – Purdue Polytechnic Institute
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Take Action:
Organic electronics: sustainability over the entire life cycle – Department of Materials Science and Engineering Raise awareness of sustainability of Organic Electronics
https://www.weforum.org/stories/2016/10/three-ways-organic-electronics-could-change-your-life/ How Organic Electronics could save your life