This missile is ground launched and equipped with hyper-sonic glide body, with necessary transport capabilities and fire control equipment. This missile can reach speeds higher than 3,800 miles per hour and can soar up to the Earth’s atmosphere and still being able to evade anti-missile defense systems and delivering a deadly blow with very little warning. This missile can hit its targets from around 1,725 miles away.
This rocket is planned on being launched by the end of this year but may be pushed back because of challenges during the weapons testing phase. The army’s collaboration with the navy is integral to the LRHW (Long Ranged Hyper-sonic Weapon) development, which features the common hyper-sonic glide body and a 34.5 inch booster developed by the naval forces.
This booster has a 2 stage rocket system and can be launched from surface vessels and submarines. The rocket system has its first stage that gets the rocket up to hyper-sonic speeds and the second stage will be able to direct the missile accurately to its location effectively. This rocket will have technology that will be able to withstand temperatures of up to 3000 degrees hot while traveling hyper-sonic speeds.
This rocket was developed to counter China’s advantage with medium range missiles. The missiles will be carried in trucks with 2 each and there will be 4 of the trucks totaling to 8 missiles. This nuclear weapon utilizes kinetic energy to extend its range and not waste fuel and power.
This rocket is going to be a game changer allowing the US to effectively destroy even highly defended targets with ease. This missile can easily maneuver while still going hyper-sonic speeds and destroying its target. This missile is a new and advanced weapon that will change the way America looks at threats.
A LRHW(Long Range Hyper-Sonic Weapon) costs 41 million dollars and is 16,300 pounds(7,400 kg). American has the most powerful missile defense and military aid on the planet.
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