While we perceive time as linear and moving straight forward, new studies show this may not be true in the quantum realm. Researchers at the University of Surrey employed an equation and found that it remained unchanged whether they used arrows of time that move forward or backward, which implies that time might not be as fixed as we previously thought. These findings could also show that the relationship between time and physics might not be as consistent as it is in the “real” world, and will require further investigation. In an article the researchers published in Scientific Reports, they state “It is a fascinating speculation that our analysis of time-reversal symmetry in open systems might impact on current definitions of different arrows of time, and possibly help establish a relationship between them.”
While this discovery will be very useful to build on in the future, readers new to physics must keep in mind that it does not automatically mean that time travel will be possible. There are many paradoxes to work around and the findings mainly apply to a quantum level. Still, what the research found was a major discovery and will change the way we view time.
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