Call of Duty was begun by a company called Activision Blizzard. Call Of Duty was invented after the world war II it got inspiration from the war and made its first game called Call of Duty. Call Of Duty is a first-person shooter game you could also play with friends and other people playing the game live, it came out on October 29, 2003, the graphics were not that great and the animations were really basic they had game modes that you can play such as battle royal. The second Call of Duty came out in 2005 called Called of
Duty 2 they made a big hit the graphics were better but the animations still weren’t so great. Call of Duty 3 was released the name
was Call of Duty MW3 they upgraded everything made the graphics so much better and the animations we good but the only problem was people were complaining about the bugs and glitches. Call of Duty MW4 was released with a lot more game modes such as team death match, battle royal, free for, domination, headquarters, and capture the flag. Call of Duty World at War came out on November 14 2008 the game was a massive hit and had many more modes and higher graphics for Xbox and PS4 players and the Xbox 1 and there were barely any bugs and the animations were loved by the community slide cancel was invented for movement.