The history of Coding. Ada Lovelace was the first to create an algorithm to process the Analytical Engine. The first computers used a written binary code to store 1949 Assembly language was the first used as a type of computer programming language. Pong was the first computer game ever and used computer imputes to move 2 panels. Pong used no code and was built using circuitry.9 years later “Tennis for Two” was the first ever video game using coding. Since then Most video games have used coded algorithms to allow players to do anything they want. Coding is also used to create any anonymous machinery.
The Present uses coding. Lightbulbs use coding to turn on and off at specific times. Coffee machines use coding by programming the machine to set what time you want your coffee to be ready. Roads use coding by showing traffic lights above the road that tell you when to go, slow down, and stop. Cell phones use coding because they can program an alarm. TVs use coding to show color in the form of RGB lights.
AI is able to code by itself. It can make cars drive by themself, and in the future, it could make all cars self-drive. It could cook food like right now we have ice makers and popcorn machines. Coding has come a long way it has made our daily life better it can do everything like self-drive, cook, and just entertain us with video games and watching TV. So I think code and coding have had a big impact.
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