Toyota has started production of its new third-generation fuel cell system, which offers two timesĀ the durability and an increase of 20% in cruising range compared to the previous model. Another key advantage is that this system will be more affordable than the previous one. These improvements were made possible through innovations in design and manufacturing processes, and the new system is expected to be available in 2026. According to the company, the hydrogen engine system can also be installed in heavy-duty commercial vehicles.
The durability and power of the hydrogen system are comparable to diesel engines. Toyota has been using hydrogen engines as a way to create carbon-free vehicles, ensuring reliability for customers. By making the engines more compact, they have been able to integrate them into a wider range of vehicles.
Toyota states, “We view hydrogen as an important fuel in our pursuit of carbon neutrality and are actively collaborating with partners across various industries. We have been promoting various initiatives in the areas of creating, transporting, storing, and using hydrogen in relation to our R&D activities.”
The company is working toward its goal by installing hydrogen engines into passenger cars, increasing their cruising range, and incorporating them into commercial vehicles, which enhances their durability. Toyota also mentions that the fuel cell system can be applied to other areas, such as generators, railroads, and ships. By developing the engine based on customer feedback, Toyota has created a reliable and powerful hydrogen engine.
Toyota’s Third-Gen Fuel Cell Is Cheaper And 20% More Efficient