The ZipGrow tower is a vertical hydroponic system that grows produce. Here are some tips and instructions for gardening with a few tools.
This video will show you the basics of planting greens in a tower, with an explanation on how it works and how you should put it in. make sure to keep a distance between each plant, where they should be placed facing up to grow towards the sunlight. You should have all of the materials mentioned in the video
Recommended plants:
Here are some recommended plants for the hydroponic towers, including lettuce, strawberries (for more complicated farms), spinach, and basil:
What are the Best Plants for Aquaponics?
Basil is a culinary herb used in dishes worldwide.
How to plant basil: How to Grow Basil | ZipGrow
Lettuce is one of the easier plants to grow in a hydroponics system, so long as you follow the requirements, it will grow into a large and tasty plant.
How to plant lettuce: Best Crops For Hydroponics: Lettuce
Strawberries are the recommended fruit to plant in aquaponics, since they don’t need a lot of nutrients to grow well.
How to plant strawberries: Best Crops for Hydroponics: Strawberries
Mint is a very fast growing herb that is used as medicine and appears in culinary dishes as well.
How to plant mint: Best Crops for Hydroponics: Mint
Water enrichment:
What makes hydroponic systems grow plants fast and healthy are nutrients among other materials that are combined with the water.
Here is an easy guide to the nutrients for hydroponics:
A Beginners Guide: Hydroponic Nutrients
Please remember to only put one tsp of black sand for the entire growing system and make sure to measure out one tsp of Veg-A and one tsp of Veg-B, do not misuse the black sand or it will clog the irrigation system and will block the water from dripping onto the plants.
System maintenance:
Remember to clean out the systems every few months to prevent mold and pests. Also, remember to refill the water when the water is under the triangle shape, and make sure the water is on whenever you leave. Keep the lights on at all times when the light is scheduled to be on.