Pros of Wind Energy
Wind energy is clean and renewable, meaning unlike coal, natural gas, or oil, generating electricity from wind doesn’t create greenhouse gases. Once operational, wind turbines don’t require burning any fossil fuels to operate. Wind energy will never run out. Unlike traditional fossil fuel resources that replenish very slowly, wind comes naturally from our atmosphere, and we don’t have to worry about supply issues in the future. Wind energy is also a job creator. The wind energy sector is the fastest-growing in the United States with more than 100,000 workers in the field. Wind energy has low operating costs. Wind farms or individual turbines can be expensive to install, but once they’re up and running, operating costs are relatively low; their fuel (wind) is free, and the turbines don’t require too much maintenance over the course of their lifetime. Wind energy is space-efficient. Cumulatively, wind farms can take up a lot of land space, however, the actual turbines and equipment don’t take a lot of land. This means that land used for wind turbines can often also be used for other purposes, such as farming.
Cons of Wind Energy
A wind turbine’s success in generating electricity depends on the weather, which makes it difficult to predict exactly how much electricity it will produce over time. If wind speeds are too low, the turbine’s rotor won’t spin. Wind energy can also cause noise and visual pollution. One of the big drawbacks of wind energy is that wind turbines can be noisy when operating, due to the mechanical sounds and the wind vortex created by the spinning blades. Additionally, because wind turbines need to be built high enough to capture adequate wind, they can often disrupt otherwise scenic landscapes, such as mountain ranges, lakes, and oceans. Wind turbines also have some negative impacts on the surrounding environment. The blades of a wind turbine are very large and rotate at high speeds, which can harm and kill flying species, such as birds and bats. The construction of wind farms can also disrupt the natural habitats of local species if not conducted sustainably. Wind energy is also remote. It requires transmission, as turbines and generation sites may often be located far from the population centers where electricity is needed. Therefore, additional infrastructure, such as transmission lines, must be built for this form of energy generation to be successful.