This is the Interceptor. It is a big robot that cleans trash from the water. The interceptor is run by a non-profit organization called the Ocean Cleanup. It is run by Boyan Slat, who funded this organization because when he was swimming in Greece, he looked around and saw more plastic bags than fish, so he thought I should do something about this and funded the Ocean Cleanup. And here’s how it works.
Step one: Anchor the interceptor near the river bank. So when trash floats down the river, it runs into a barrier on the water’s surface, which leads the trash into the mouth of the interceptor. Then once the trash is in the mouth a conveyor belt leads the trash into one of six floating dumpsters. The dumpsters are floating because once the dumpsters are complete, a ship can lead them to the waste management system so the recycling goes into the recycling in the trash goes to the trash. On top of that, the interceptor has solar panels and a rainwater collection system, so it is off the grid, and the trash collection is essentially autonomous, thanks to the AI Tech on board.
go outside and pick up trash you see to stop it from getting to the water or donate to one or both of these sites