Topography is the study of the forms and features of land surfaces. It is a field of geoscience and planetary science and is concerned with general local detail, including relief and natural and artificial features.
Topography provides a detailed picture of the terrain’s natural and man-made features, including elevations, slopes, and obstacles. This knowledge is critical to assessing project feasibility and determining how best to integrate construction into the surrounding environment.
Topographic maps are drawings that show the main physical features of the terrain, such as buildings, fences, roads, rivers, lakes, and forests, as well as the height differences between land features such as valleys and hills (also called vertical reliefs), based on data collected during topographic surveys.
Topographic maps use lines to connect points of equal elevation. They are based solely on the physical shape of the Earth and exclude artificial features and vegetation. Planimetric maps show the shapes and sizes of artificial features, including buildings, roads, and fences, and also include vegetation types.
Topography encompasses various techniques and methods to measure and represent the Earth’s surface. Topographical works can be mainly classified into four types:
- Plan Topography: Planimetric is the study of plane measurements, including angles, distances, and areas.
- Geodetic Topography: Geodesy measures and understands the Earth’s geometric shape, orientation in space, and gravity field.
- Subterranean Topography.
- Hydrographic Topography.
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