Everything is made in China for several reasons. China otherwise known as “The World’s Factory” can afford to mass produce goods because of the abundance and availability of lower-wage workers. China can afford this because of their business connections with other countries who buy their products, like Amazon and other companies who are funding their projects.
Another reason China is mass producing goods is because China is not as strict with their regulations meaning that they employed child labor along with no compensation insurance and longer shift hours, enabling for swift manufacturing while mass producing everything they can. The reason why China has so much power is because the U.S and other countries rely on China for most of their goods, that means if we went to war with China we would be at a loss because they supply us with our resources.
China raised their tax rates by almost double so that they would have more than enough money to keep manufacturing all of the goods that is keeping their country alive and thriving.
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Why China Is “The World’s Factory” – Investopedia
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Take Action:
- https://theconversation.com/why-does-so-much-of-the-worlds-manufacturing-still-take-place-in-china-207178
- https://www.allamericanmade.com/why-is-everything-made-in-china/
- https://asiatimes.com/2023/06/why-so-much-manufacturing-still-gets-done-in-china/
- https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/102214/why-china-worlds-factory.asp
- https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2021/09/08/china-is-the-worlds-factory-more-than-ever