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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Intro To How Blu-Ray Disc Works.

Intro To How Blu-Ray Disc Works.

By: Samuel Catindoy, Journalist
The blu-ray disc is a revolutionary invention that was a turning point for video games.
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person using computer playing FPS game

The Evolution of Gaming – And How It Has Became Addicting

By: Ethan Lin, Journalist
Video games have become a big part of entertainment for children in today's world, but it can be addicting.
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Retro Bowl

Retro Bowl

By: Tad Chesley, Journalist
Retro Bowl is a game where you are the head coach of a football team. It is made so that you control all aspects of the games. It is also made in a way where you can actually see the pixels giving it a "retro" feeling. Dive right in and learn all the amazing parts of Retro Bowl.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology