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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Brand New Maglev Train Has a Top Speed of 1000 kph

Brand New Maglev Train Has a Top Speed of 1000 kph

By: Forest Rowe, Journalist
How China improved the traditional maglev train to double the speed of the current fastest train in service. Although still in testing, this train has the potential to revolutionize transportation by moving faster than an airplane.
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The Brennan Monorail

By: Kawa Gyatso, Journalist
Louis Brennan (1852-1932) was an innovative inventor known for creating the Brennan Monorail, a unique single-tracked rail vehicle that utilized two linked gyroscopes for stabilization. Despite the successful demonstrations, Brennan faced challenges in securing investment, and ultimately, the monorail failed to gain traction in the market.
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a train traveling over a bridge over a street

Montreal’s Réseau Express Métropolitain opens to the public.

By: Ben Nguyen, Journalist
Plagued by delays and numerous cost overruns, the first 15 kilometer stretch of the REM has opened to the public.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology