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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



coin beside magnifying glass

Counterfeited Coins Impact the Canadian Economy

By: Rachel Cao, Journalist
It first began after a package from China arrived at a FedEx warehouse and was stopped by Canada Border Services. On the label it said 10,000 metal badges from a clothing company to a card company. Metal badges? None of this made any sense so they looked deeper.
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flat screen computer monitor displaying white and black screen

Scammers: How It Works And What To Do

By: Rachel Cao, Journalist
Scammers hack into your computer to access information or money. In 2023, a reported $10 billion has been lost to scams and fraud. As the amount of money lost continues to build up, it is important to be aware.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology