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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Photo by Kevin Burnell:

Hypersonic Missiles

By: Keyes Bronson, Journalist
Hypersonic Missiles are some of the latest military inventions and they are becoming quite popular. These weapons can fly at speeds faster than Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound.
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a black airplane in the sky

The Unstoppable Missiles of the Future

By: Noah Yazdani, Journalist
For the past few decades, technology has been evolving and items of warfare have been becoming more and more powerful.
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Boeing is Creating A Hypersonic Passenger Jet That Will Pass Mach 5.

Boeing is Creating A Hypersonic Passenger Jet That Will Pass Mach 5.

A plane that can cross the entire ocean in two hours. This is an idea that has been tested once to no avail with the Concord. Now Boeing is giving the idea a second chance. Boeing is the leader when it...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology