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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



How To Use The ZipGrow Hydroponic Systems

How To Use The ZipGrow Hydroponic Systems

The ZipGrow tower is a vertical hydroponic system that grows produce. What makes hydroponic systems grow plants fast and healthy are nutrients among other materials that are combined with the water. Here are some tips and instructions for gardening with a few tools.
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How Hydroponics Will Take Over Argiculture

How Hydroponics Will Take Over Argiculture

By: Oliver Novack, Journalist
Hydroponics is rapidlly becoming the more efficient way of farming rather than the traditional method witch takes more resources and space.
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Aquaponics Beta Test

Aquaponics Beta Test

A summery of what we have learned about our small scale aquaponics system and our plans for the 2022-2023 school year.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology