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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



World’s First Portable Hydrogen Cracker Revolutionizes Energy Solutions

World’s First Portable Hydrogen Cracker Revolutionizes Energy Solutions

By: Cristian Zelaya, Journalist
This story showcases the technological breakthrough that is the portable hydrogen cracker, illustrating how it could change the way we approach energy production in the future.
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The World's First Portable Hydrogen Cracker Is Capable Of Generating 1,100 Pounds Of Fuel Daily

The World’s First Portable Hydrogen Cracker Is Capable Of Generating 1,100 Pounds Of Fuel Daily

By: Munir Noori, Journalism
Introducing the Revolutionary Portable Hydrogen Cracker: Producing 1,100 Pounds of Fuel Each Day, Changing the Game for Sustainable Energy Solutions and Industrial Applications!
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car engine bay

China Develops a High Preformance Hydrogen EV Battery

By: Benjamin Siegel, Journalist
China is making a revolutionary battery that will change EVs forever. The batteries will last longer and will have better performance than all the other batteries.
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silver car

This Brand-new Hydrogen-powered car can run over 1200 miles in a single tank!

By: Noah Yazdani, Journalist
Think of a car that covers more than 2000 kilometers in a single hydrogen tank. This kind of technology will be a welcome change to the climate challenges the modern world is facing.
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"World's First Hydrogen Train" by Linus Follert is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

World’s First Hydrogen Powered Train The Coradia iLint

By: Abigail Romero, Reporter
The Alstom's Coradia iLint (Cur-ah-de-uh Eye-lint) is the name of the world's first hydrogen powered train. Alstom is a German company that has been developing solutions for pollution in the sector of rail transport.
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Hyundai Nexo.  Photo Source:  License 
Attribution Noncommercial Some rights reserved by Janitors on

The All New Hyundai Nexo Hydrogen Car

By: Oskar Binayee, Journalist
Have you ever seen a car that runs on Hydrogen Fuel Cells? Introducing the Hyundai Nexo Hydrogen Car!
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Electric Car that Drives on Hydrogen

Electric Car that Drives on Hydrogen The Holthausen Group, a gas supplier in the Netherlands, managed to increase the maximum range of Tesla’s Model S by implementing a hydrogen power...

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Harvesting Fuel through Photosynthesis

Harvesting Fuel through Photosynthesis

Hydrogen produces a fairly clean fuel with water being its only emission. However hydrogen production is not always environmentally friendly. Conventional methods require natural gas or electrical...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology