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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



satellite dish

The History of the Satellite

By: Joe Rojas Perez, Journalist
The satellite plays a very important role in many of our lives. The first ever satellite to be put into orbit was by the Soviet Union, the satellite was called "Sputnik" in 1957.
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a person holding a blue and white striped dress

How Did Sweaters Come To Be

By: Kaden Brock, Journalist
Sweaters are outer pieces of clothing designed to be placed on your torso and can be buttoned up or put on over the head. Sweaters are designed to keep you warm on colder days and can be used in winter or fall. Sweaters can be hand-knitted or be made with a sewing machine.
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round brown wooden table

The Evolution of the Table

By: Rafan Haque, Journalist
Today, tables have many styles and come in an infinite amount of materials, but they all have the very same purpose, which is to bring people close and make daily life a tiny bit easier.
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white armless chair near white wall

The Evolution of the Chair

By: Rafan Haque, Journalist
Chairs are a normal part of our lives we never really stop to think about where they come from or how they have changed throughout history. The evolution of the chair is an important reminder of how even the most simple of objects can tell an incredible story about humanity's progress.
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black click pen on white printer paper

The History Of The Ballpoint Pen

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
We all have used the ballpoint pen, it is the most commonly used pen. Let's learn about the story behind them.
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Art In Engineering

Art In Engineering

By: Samary Velasquez, Journalist

The union of engineering and art, two fields often considered opposites, showcases the infinite creativity and precision that define human ingenuity. Engineering is based on scientific principles and functional...

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brown and white wooden table beside sofa chair

The History of The Sofa

By: Rafan Haque, Journalist
Sofas are important pieces of furniture in modern homes, giving comfort and style. But where did they come from, who invented them, and why are they important? Let's go into the history of the sofa, the related couch, and their symbolism in our homes.
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Cyanotypes And Solar Printing

Cyanotypes And Solar Printing

By: Zouli Alexandratos, Journalist
Cyanotypes are one of the earliest types of photography. Cyanotypes may just seem like a fun science project but they actually had many real life uses before advances in printing and photography.
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How Biology Was Changed Forever

How Biology Was Changed Forever

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
In late 1990 the Human Genome Project began with the goal of mapping the entire human genome(or the DNA inside most cells). The project caused huge advancements in the field of Biology and changed it forever.
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turned off black television

The History of Television

By: Rafan Haque, Journalist
Television has become a big part of our lives, helping us get news and entertainment and other things. Today, television is still a big part of our lives, constantly changing with New technology and keeping us connected to the world.
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Nintendo Switch console turned on with Joy-Con controls

The History of Nintendo

By: Rafan Haque, Journalist
In today's time, Nintendo is still one of the greatest names in video games. The company continues to create popular consoles like the Nintendo Switch, which is the most recent release, and the games people love, like Pokemon and Animal Crossing.
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a man in a military uniform standing next to a group of people

The History Of Camouflage And How It Improved

By: Joe Rojas Perez, Journalist
What is camouflage? ( it can also be known as cryptic coloration) camouflage is a mix of different colors, materials, or illumination  to conceal or hide the person who is wearing it no matter what environment it is. The amount of time camouflage has been around for the amount of time animals have been around.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology